Albany Health Management Associates, Inc.


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Creativity, Resolution, Art, Illness & Community (CRAIC)

Creativity is vital in developing a healthy response to chronic illness and trauma. By using our powers of innovation, we’re able to devise better ways of overcoming obstacles and dealing with the cards we’ve been dealt. And the arts — writing, music, painting, sculpture, dancing or other creative expression — offer an outlet for expressing our emotional and physical feelings. Art is both informed by and informs our suffering.

The Creativity, Resolution, Art, Illness & Community, or CRAIC, Web-based group offers a community for people with chronic illnesses to get feedback on our art and our experiences. We meet periodically using a Web- and phone-based system to learn about creativity and artistic expression, set individual goals and share our creative work.

Craic is a Gaelic term that, loosely translated, means having a good time and laughter with friends, and that is an aim of this group. The CRAIC group is not a support group or therapy; rather it’s a safe environment to learn, develop community and get feedback from others on our progress.

For more information about participating in our CRAIC webinars, please request to be added to the webinar email list by using our Contact Form and noting in the comments box that you would like to join the CRAIC list. Scheduled webinars are listed on our Events page and you can watch previous webinars at our Past Meetings page.

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