Albany Health Management Associates, Inc.

Our Focus


Research Collaboration

Research Publications

Restorative Phase Practices


Four-Phase Model (FFPM)




Patricia Fennell is the author of the Fennell Four-Phase Model and Fennel Four-Phase Treatment Treatment (FFPT)™ approach to assessment and treatment for chronic syndromes and trauma.

Fennell's Four-Phase Model of chronic illness is an empirically validated framework utilized by clinicians, medical researchers and patients in the United States and abroad. The Fennell Four-Phase Model describes four phases that are seen in chronic syndromes: Crisis, Stabilization, Resolution and Integration. There have been several research and clinical instruments, including the Fennell Phase Inventory (FPI)™ developed to capture the different phases of chronic syndromes.

The Fennell Four-Phase Model has been studied in conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, post-viral fatigue syndrome, autism and depression, and utilized in the clinical assessment and treatment of many chronic syndromes including cancer, post-violence trauma, cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Research on the Fennell models and instrument has been published in peer-reviewed journals and clinical research newsletters in several countries, as well as cited by numerous other research groups. (For more information about the empirical research evidence in support of the Fennell Four-Phase Model, please click here.)

Our collaborators include scientists from DePaul University, Cornell University, Defiance College, The Giving Circle Africa, and Hofstra University, Minnesota State University Mankato, University of Michigan Medical Residency Program and New York State Office of Mental Health in the United States; Vrije Universiteit in Belgium; and University of Ballarat and University of Wollongong in Australia.

Albany Health Management Associates is interested in communicating with scientists who would like to use the Fennell Four-Phase Model, FFPT and FPI in their research studies. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in a project or obtaining more information.

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