Albany Health Management Associates, Inc.

Our Focus


Four-Phase Model (FFPM)




Patricia Fennell is the author of the Fennell Four-Phase Model and Fennel Four-Phase Treatment Treatment (FFPT)™ approach to assessment and treatment for chronic syndromes and trauma.

Fennell's Four-Phase Model of chronic illness is an empirically validated framework utilized by clinicians, medical researchers and patients in the United States and abroad. The Fennell Four-Phase Model describes four phases that are seen in chronic syndromes: Crisis, Stabilization, Resolution and Integration. The Fennell Phase Inventory (FPI)™ is a survey instrument used in the research and clinical settings to capture the different phases of chronic syndromes.

The Fennell Four-Phase Model has been studied in conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, post-viral fatigue syndrome, autism and depression, and utilized in the clinical assessment and treatment of many chronic syndromes including cancer, post-violence trauma, cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Research on the Fennell models and instrument has been published in peer-reviewed journals and clinical research newsletters in several countries. Our collaborators include scientists from DePaul University, Cornell University, Defiance College and Hofstra University in the United States; Vrije Universiteit in Belgium; and University of Ballarat and University of Wollongong in Australia.

Albany Health Management Associates is interested in communicating with scientists who would like to use the Fennell Four-Phase Model, FFPT and FPI in their research studies. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in a project or obtaining more information.

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